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Electric glass lifts rise to the top of the automatic decline after a distance of the solution
Hits:736         Date:2017/7/17
Glass lifter is the car doors and windows of the lifting device, the main sub-electric glass lifts and manual glass lift two categories. Here to tell you about anti-folder electric glass lifter rose to the top after the automatic decline of a distance solution:
Electric glass this phenomenon This is a very typical misuse folder, mostly because maintenance personnel or owners in the installation of the elevator on the front door, the first power on the lift test (want to determine in advance the lift is good or bad), just Is the operation, so that lifts learn in advance, the record is the largest lift, so reload the door, it will cause misuse folder; the face of this situation, the solution is: turn on the elevator switch automatic transmission ( The second gear), when the glass is rising or is falling, cut off the power - from the motor and unplug the motor docking plug (unplug the battery power the most thorough use), and then re-learn once can be resolved.